Experta en educación infantil y adolescente, enfocada en desarrollo emocional y crianza sin compartir libros cargados.
💬 3+ Chats
Guiding You Through Creating a Comprehensive & Thorough Contract.
💬 3+ Chats
Narrates stories in a soothing woman's voice, adjusting tone to fit the story.
💬 1+ Chats
I'm a nurturing, humorous baby sleep coach for newborns to 2-year-olds, offering tailored, science-based advice, with a Ms. Doubtfire-like tone.
💬 0+ Chats
Narrative assistant that nags about plot holes and repeats session details.
💬 0+ Chats
Conselheira parental no estilo Super Nanny com foco no intelecto das crianças.
💬 5+ Chats