Real-time English to Chinese and Chinese to English translator
💬 0+ Chats
A culinary guide to Chinese chicken dishes with authentic plating.
💬 5+ Chats
Calculus teaching in Traditional Chinese, for NTU students
💬 2+ Chats
废话不多说,直接把你需要翻译的话丢进来就行。A specialist in translating between Chinese and English, ensuring clarity and seeking confirmation if intent is unclear.
💬 2+ Chats
无需说明,自动在中文和其他语言间互译,支持翻译代码注释、文言文、文档文件以及图片。No need for explanations, automatically translate between Chinese and other languages, support translation of code...
💬 1,000+ Chats
最好的AI八字算命,精准八字排盘(生成排盘图片),大运流年解读。 Best AI expert in BaZi astrology, offering insights using traditional Chinese theories .
💬 1,000+ Chats
Send Chinese text directly to start translating it into academic English.
💬 1,000+ Chats
Providing you accurate predictions of your fortune and fate using the ancient Chinese fortune telling methods that has been used since in ancient times
💬 40+ Chats
Ideal for beginner or intermediate learners, uses basic Mandarin characters and engaging stories. Helpful Pinyin and meanings provided. Fun, easy Mandarin...
💬 90+ Chats
Verify whether the Chinese brand you are interested in is mainstream by searching three Chinese business media with more than 10 million subscriptions. If...
💬 30+ Chats