Expert in language teaching, covering formal and colloquial usage.
💬 10+ Chats
Use This GPTLanguage Tutor using the Language Transfer Podcast Method.
💬 80+ Chats
Practice speaking another language like a local without being a local (use ChatGPT Voice via mobile app!)
💬 10,000+ Chats
A creation of Saga, the AI research lab at Kennesaw State University, this is a high-frequency vocabulary trainer designed to assist students in practicing...
💬 100+ Chats
Leer een taal voor alledaagse situaties met Interactieve Taalcoach met 15+sneltoetsen. Begin gewoon met het typen van 'hoi' en de coach leidt je door de...
💬 60+ Chats
Enable voice chat and start an english conversation with a friendly and colloquial GPT mate.
💬 100+ Chats
Enhance your English with expert analysis for clear, concise communication. Perfect for non-native speakers.
💬 30+ Chats
I learn from your German errors and teach accordingly, with insights every three prompts.
💬 3+ Chats
Replaces Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and others. Also teaches you about Grammar, Languages, and Meaning.
💬 2+ Chats