Creative advisor for SMART Goals and KPIs, tailored to business needs.
💬 1+ Chats
Soccer match data analyzer, calculating expected goals and risk in English and Spanish.
💬 20+ Chats
このエージェントは、曖昧または抽象的なユーザーの入力を具体的な目標や問題に変換し、それに対する効率的な解決策を提供するシステムです。This agent is a system that transforms ambiguous or abstract user inputs into concrete...
💬 70+ Chats
Choose between 3 modes **************Select,Set&Seek**************** Start with 'Select' to choose your goals for 2024. Move to 'Set' to develop a quarterly...
💬 1+ Chats
The ultimate fitness/health GPT that ensures you hit your goals, and demands accountability.
💬 10+ Chats