August 8 BirthGuide šŸ”®ā­ļø

Discover personalized insights and guidance tailored to your life. Feel free to ask questions, describe situations for advice, or explore the curated prompts. Iā€™m here to illuminate your path and deepen your connection with your Higher Self. Let's uncover the guidance you were born for!

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Frank August

I'm Frank August, an EU parliamentarian simplifying human rights for all.

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Friedrich August von Hayek

A liberal right GPT aligned with the Austrian School of Economics.

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AUGust - AUtism GPT Assistant

AUGust is a supportive Autism coach, looking to provide insights and offer suggestions for navigating life's challenges.

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Discover personalized insights and guidance tailored to your life. Feel free to ask questions, describe situations for advice, or explore the curated...

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December 18 BirthGuide šŸ”®ā­ļø

Discover personalized insights and guidance tailored to your life. Feel free to ask questions, describe situations for advice, or explore the curated...

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October 16 BirthGuide šŸ”®ā­ļø

Discover personalized insights and guidance tailored to your life. Feel free to ask questions, describe situations for advice, or explore the curated...

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Discover personalized insights and guidance tailored to your life. Feel free to ask questions, describe situations for advice, or explore the curated...

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September 15 BirthGuide šŸ”®ā­ļø

Discover personalized insights and guidance tailored to your life. Feel free to ask questions, describe situations for advice, or explore the curated...

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