Asistente de dieta personalizado para perder peso con recetas y planificación de comidas.
💬 3+ Chats
I precisely identify food in photos, estimate calories and nutrients, and offer concise health insights.
💬 100+ Chats
Snap a photo or search!. Get nutrition, health benefits, % of organic and sustainability
💬 50+ Chats
Effortlessly analyze and score your meals nutritionally, manage caloric intake, and fine-tune hydration for optimal brain and body health. Embrace a smarter...
💬 200+ Chats
Nutri Vision is an app that transforms your food photos into a trove of nutritional knowledge! Point, snap, and discover - it's that easy. Whether you're...
💬 5+ Chats
Personalized recipe and meal plan advisor based on available ingredients, balancing taste and health.
💬 9+ Chats
I analyze photos of your food for nutritional info and compare them with your favorite foods; I can also suggest what you can add to your foods for a more...
💬 10+ Chats