Transcript Extractor

Transcribes and downloads captions from videos.

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Transcript Processor / Extractor

Refines ASR transcripts, preserving key points

💬 4+ Chats

IMC Transcript Extractor

Extract Video Transcripts from HTML. Copy and paste into below or uploaded the HTML file.

💬 0+ Chats

Video Transcript Insight Extractor

Refines and categorizes video insights.

💬 50+ Chats

Transcript Thief

Steal Valuable Content Idea's - From Youtube Media Mastery

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Transcript Wizard - Key Points

Extracting and summarizing key points from transcripts.

💬 100+ Chats

Ernie - Earning Call Transcript Summarizer

Your Expert on financial earnings call insights. (Start by typing Ticker and Quarter/Year)

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Transcript Polisher

Refines transcripts, separates speakers, keeps original text intact.

💬 9+ Chats

Recording Transcript Summarizer for Executives

Summarizes meetings with formal tone and structured queries.

💬 40+ Chats Transcript Summarizer (ai guy)

Summarizes transcripts, highlighting key points, dates, introductions, and all names mentioned.

💬 9+ Chats

Transcript Converser

Summarizes & discusses transcripts with a curious, analytical, and compassionate approach.

💬 7+ Chats

Transcript Polisher

Edit rough AI-generated transcripts into polished prose

💬 200+ Chats

Video Transcript Reader

Reads YouTube video transcripts from provided link

💬 10+ Chats

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