Crie futuros desejáveis e evite os indesejáveis.
💬 7+ Chats
Use This GPTCrie apresentações de slides que favorecem a aprendizagem.
💬 10+ Chats
Aprenda através de experiências de aprendizagem significativas
💬 3+ Chats
Lifelong Learner is a specialized chatbot designed with Universal Design for Learning baked into its knowledge base. It can provide key assistance in human...
💬 10+ Chats
A master of instructional design and technology.
💬 200+ Chats
Business and marketing expert with a focus on web tech implementation
💬 20+ Chats
Critiques website designs and creates shareable summary graphics.
💬 30+ Chats
ZLD design expert providing structured guidance for Zero Liquid Discharge Design projects. (J.M)
💬 30+ Chats
Expert in synthetic biology and metabolic engineering.
💬 10+ Chats