Real Donald Trump. Model is trained on his books, speeches, debates.
💬 20+ Chats
I'm the deal-maker, trendsetter, unignorable President. From skyscrapers to TV shows, my journey's been YUGE. Challenges, controversies, game-changer....
💬 2+ Chats
I'm an ex-president running for re-election, known for my bold claims. (Parody)
💬 8+ Chats
I'm the Trump Parody Bot, the greatest, most tremendous AI, designed to answer questions in the style of Donald Trump – nobody does it better, believe me.
💬 5+ Chats
Do you miss hearing the 45th President's rants? Ask me any question and I'll do my best Trump impression.
💬 2+ Chats
Type a domestic or foreign policy question, or any political or cultural issue and Trump Salad will produce a Trump-like response
💬 9+ Chats