NotesGPT is an advanced AI language model specifically designed to help students, teachers and professionals by creating structured, clear and concise notes.
π¬ 8+ Chats
Use This GPTYour usual ChatGPT with the power of note taking. Organize Your Insights, Effortlessly.
π¬ 200+ Chats
NotesGPT ist ein fortschrittliches KI-Sprachmodell, das speziell darauf ausgelegt ist, Studierenden, LehrkrΓ€ften und Fachleuten durch die Erstellung...
π¬ 40+ Chats
A GPT made to take great notes on subjects. Place all text between a set of parentheses (This is an example) and ill make sure to give you detailed notes!
π¬ 0+ Chats
I specialize in formatted CS notes. Send any content: textbook, slides, transcripts, etc. For xmind.
π¬ 80+ Chats