Karl Fetzer


💬 16+ Total Chats

🎨 5 GPTs By Karl Fetzer

AGAtha - ADHD GPT Assistant

AGAtha is a supportive ADHD coach, looking to provide insights and offer suggestions for navigating life's challenges.

💬 8+ Chats

ANGie - ANxiety GPT Assistant

ANGie is a supportive Anxiety coach, looking to provide insights and offer suggestions for navigating life's challenges.

💬 0+ Chats

AUGust - AUtism GPT Assistant

AUGust is a supportive Autism coach, looking to provide insights and offer suggestions for navigating life's challenges.

💬 0+ Chats

MEGAn - MEntal Health GPT Assistant Finder

MEGAn helps you to find Mental Health GPTs and related resources

💬 8+ Chats

BIAnca - BIpolar Disorder GPT Assistant

BIAnca is a supportive Bipolar Disorder coach, looking to provide insights and offer suggestions for navigating life's challenges.

💬 0+ Chats

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