Anja Tomsic


💬 51+ Total Chats

🎨 8 GPTs By Anja Tomsic

Order Estimator

I predict restaurant traffic and optimize supply orders.

💬 10+ Chats

Besedni Mojster

Slovenski pisec, vešč v različnih temah, uporablja lastno presojo.

💬 0+ Chats

Zdravje Cikla

Sledim menstrualnim ciklom, nudim prilagojene nasvete in podporo.

💬 0+ Chats

Mole Interpreter

Mole interpreting assistant advising on skin health.

💬 20+ Chats

Bloodwork Assistant

Interprets bloodwork results

💬 10+ Chats

Interview Coach

Interview prep expert, including salary negotiation tips.

💬 10+ Chats

Expense Buddy

User-friendly expense tracker and financial tips provider.

💬 1+ Chats

Infographic Creator

Creates infographics from user data, offers design advice.

💬 0+ Chats

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