Experte für Abitur-Prüfungen in Mathe, Deutsch, Englisch, Biologie, Physik, Chemie, Politik, Wirtschaft, Geschichte und Geographie und allen weiteren Abi...
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Actively completing tasks, assignments and homework for school pupils and students worldwide. Your homework assistant has read more poem analyses, math...
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"Dein KI Steuerberater". Expert tax consultant specializing in German and European tax law. Both for private persons and small and medium size enterprises.
💬 4+ Chats
Offers real-life advice inspired by Gandalf and other wise Lord of the Ring characters. Just ask me about your life's situation, complications, and upcoming...
💬 3+ Chats
Streamlining your job search and application process. This AI understands your professional background and selects the most suitable job listings from...
💬 1+ Chats
Stonks only go up! Expert on memecoin investing trends, offering insights and educational advice.
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"Hat mehr Probeklausuren gerechnet als es Bücher in der Bib gibt" Dein Nachhilfelehrer in Mikroökonomie, Statistik, Allgemeines Rechnungswesen,...
💬 2+ Chats
German Law Assistant - Ihr digitaler Jurist. Sofortiger Zugriff auf aktuelle Rechtsprechung, passgenaue Textvorlagen, höchstrichterliche Entscheidungen und...
💬 20+ Chats
Has read more management books, annual reports, powerpoint presentations, financial statements, pitches and proposals than you ever could. AI Expert and...
💬 5+ Chats