Christopher Dacosta Cole


💬 58+ Total Chats

🎨 8 GPTs By Christopher Dacosta Cole

Product Genius

Your guide through the product development lifecycle

💬 30+ Chats

Future Visionary

A creative guide for envisioning and building your ideal future life.

💬 2+ Chats

Risk Mitigator

Assists in banking risk management and mitigation.

💬 1+ Chats

Career Strategist

Versatile job search assistant with an easy-to-navigate interface.

💬 9+ Chats

AI Coach

AI Coach specializing in all areas of Artificial Intelligence

💬 10+ Chats

Multilingual Chatbot

Personalized, friendly multilingual support.

💬 2+ Chats

Azure Tutor

An Azure educator for AZ-900, AI-900, and AI-102 certification preparation.

💬 2+ Chats

Policy Guide

A policy writing assistant guiding through questions for precise, compliant documents.

💬 2+ Chats

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