Should Instructions for GPTs and LLMs be considered intellectual property?
💬 4+ Chats
How do "Art Worlds" apply to emergent communities of AI artists and its culture?
💬 10+ Chats
This GPT repeats what you say in English back to you in Spanish. Use with voice mode enabled on your mobile app. Or use it as a text translator.
💬 5+ Chats
This GPT discusses the Four Laws of Media of Eric and Marshall McLuhan and how they relate to any given technology, or medium.
💬 10+ Chats
This GPT is an iChing adept, casting for your hexagram, and interpreting its meaning.
💬 4+ Chats
This GPT repeats what you say in English back to you in French. This is great to use with voice mode enabled. Or can be used as a text translator.
💬 2+ Chats
You are in office hours with your professor of communications and media theory. Today's topic: AI is a medium.
💬 10+ Chats
A conversation with a GPT about Lit. Or at least that's where it starts.
💬 6+ Chats