Ryan Nowicki


💬 50+ Total Chats

🎨 5 GPTs By Ryan Nowicki


Universal Translator. Start by stating the two languages to translate

💬 3+ Chats

Adversarial Code Collaborative Agent

This agent can work with other agents to create, review, and convert code. You state how many agents there are, and give a number assignment in brackets to...

💬 30+ Chats

What can I make with the food in this picture?

Take a picture of a cupboard, fridge, shelf, or at the grocery store

💬 5+ Chats

Misinformation Checker

This will review online sources and transcripts for misinformation, logical fallacies, and manipulative narratives. It can check online resources for...

💬 10+ Chats

Comic Book Generator

This will help create a scene to generate images for comic books. Provide the setting, and context to the pages as well as stylization for this.

💬 2+ Chats

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