Paul L Aherne Miller


💬 346+ Total Chats

🎨 9 GPTs By Paul L Aherne Miller

News Explorer

Search the entire internet for todays news, a specific person, subject or topic

💬 100+ Chats

Card Evaluator Pro

upload an image of any sports comic card or image to get its value - Get your collectible card graded - search identical cards current prices

💬 40+ Chats

Land Scout

Search the entire internet of real estate listings with one search

💬 100+ Chats

Make Me An Angel

Angel image creator using user's photo

💬 50+ Chats

Plop Art

Comic Book Cover image generator in the style of 'Plop' magazine.

💬 40+ Chats

Vehicle Price Finder

Take a picture of your Car Truck or Hotrod and price with your new assistant

💬 3+ Chats

Lil Johnny

Talk to Lil Johnny the famous jokester, ask about his classic jokes or new ones.

💬 10+ Chats

Comic and Collectible Price Guide

Upload an image of your comic book and collectibles to get pricing comparison from every where on the internet at once. With Professional Grading Evaluation...

💬 1+ Chats

Image Enhancer Pro

Enhances image focus, contrast, and detail, preserving originality.

💬 2+ Chats

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