Chad Jones


💬 21+ Total Chats

🎨 5 GPTs By Chad Jones

Complex Persona Generator

Generates complex and detailed biographical personas for bloggers to guide their writing style

💬 6+ Chats

Jafar - A Sifter of History

Niche search on key Baha'i history texts - Mazindarani, Balyuzi, Momen, Ruhe, etc.

💬 2+ Chats

SPR Buddy

Versatile at compressing diverse content into clear, brief SPRs.

💬 1+ Chats

CTAI - Committee Translation AI

Simulates an expert committee translating sacred literature in the style of Shoghi Effendi

💬 10+ Chats

SBS Paragraph Aligner

A bilingual helper for aligning translations side-by-side.

💬 2+ Chats

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